רואיל ג'מס

Joyce Stech On Royal Gems

Healing With Color

by Joyce Stech

Royal Gems is a powerful new Matrix Healing System of colors and corresponding shapes. According to modern physics, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns—everything is light and information. Royal Gems (RG) is based on the theory that these specific vibrational color energies are what keep us healthy. When these energies are present, we exhibit health. Correspondingly, the loss or compromise of these vibrations result in disease of the body including our mind and spirit.

Our body contains information in our organs, cells, DNA, RNA, etc. that form an active matrix. This matrix and its interconnections provide for rapid, coherent intercommunication throughout the body. The vibrations and waveforms in this matrix can be changed. This means that anyone can change their current reality—such as an injury pattern, emotions or some stuck situation within the body—and introduce one of many other new possibilities that are more useful.

Think of our DNA as our own unique, paint-by-numbers portrait. It defines everything about us, from the color of your hair to our chances of having a particular disease. Just like the DNA helix, every organ and cell in our bodies contains information. They are all linked together in a vibrating matrix, like a human Internet communicating at the speed of light.

Royal Gems connect to various specific spectrums of light. Each spectrum has a specific frequency with specific qualities. The RG Matrix Healing System combines all of this into a coherent way to help restore stability and balance to our body’s energy, triggering our natural healing process.

The RG colors may be used individually or in a combination to create detailed results depending on the specific intentions of the user and the outcome desired. Intentions may include general outcomes like better health, business success or healing the Planet. They may also be more specific such as stress relief,attracting a partner, increased athletic stamina or cancer remission. The usage of the system also brings into the forefront our deepest thoughts, actions and blocks that stop and retard our inner growth. The system allows for transformation to occur. Healing occurs on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, creating a wholistic opportunity for the client.

In essence, Royal Gems act like crystalline switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to each other. This results in the awakening of our higher chakras, glands, subtle energetic circuitry and intuitive senses. Royal Gems allow us to physically embody more of our higher self and soul gifts so we can achieve all of our spiritual goals.

This system compliments and can increase the effectiveness of other modalities as well. Reiki, Light Language, Crystal Healing, Massage, Chiropractors, Doctors, Teachers and many others, can all benefit from the increased vibrations of RG. In addition, many alternative health practitioners after using the system, due to their newfound connection to their inner self and purpose, wind up developing new methods and systems to use in their own practice.

Royal Gems can sharpen our intuitive senses and awaken our inner or third eye vision. They are amplifiers of energy and intention. They work multi-dimensionally as an interface between our consciousness and the higher planes to speed up our process of evolution. When a person is ready for a quantum leap, Royal Gems is a formula that can be used for downloading several levels of light codes.

Joyce Stech is the creator of the Royal Gems Matrix Healing System. Request a free video at the RoyalGems website.

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